Multicultural Heat Heroes

enliven’s Multicultural Heat Heroes in Action project, funded by the Lord Mayor’s Charitable Foundation, draws on the results of enliven’s 2021 Understanding Planetary Health Research Project, indicating a desire within the multicultural communities in Melbourne’s South East to build climate resilience. 

Heatwaves can have serious health effects on individuals and communities. Research shows our multicultural and newly-arrived local communities are disproportionately impacted by the rising incidence of extreme heat events.  

The project

enliven is working with 5 multicultural community ambassadors to build climate resilience among priority language groups across Cardinia Shire, City of Casey, and City of Greater Dandenong. These Multicultural Heat Heroes have been working with enliven to co-design and deliver heat health messaging across a spectrum of culturally appropriate formats and forums. 

The project aims to increase climate resilience by achieving the following goals: 

  • Improved heat health knowledge and behaviour 

  • Reduced health disparities 

  • Development of culturally relevant resources and support 

  • Enhanced resilience of community members to support their own health during heatwaves 

  • Strong collaboration and partnerships between community groups, community organisations, health agencies, local government, and multicultural service providers 

Project activities are primarily focused on community engagement, community consultation, education and information sessions, resource development, and an end of year Be Well Stay Well in the Heat community event scheduled for Spring 2024.  


Reach out to our project coordinator if you would like to know more about the Multicultural Heat Heroes in Action project, or if you are interested in being involved in the Be Well, Stay Well in the Heat event. 

Project coordinator: